Is Hillary Clinton Aide Huma Abedin A Security Risk?

Jane emails: This about Huma Abedin went off like a red flag for me too. I didn’t know Hillary was running around with God knows who, compromising security like that.

I’m a paralegal who worked with security clearances, there’s a whole area of security clearance law – there are people who are honest, no problem, having their security clearances taken away because they have a dual citizen problem with Canada or the UK –

They have a security clearance review board over in Encino, nobody even knows about it – it’s sitting just off Ventura Blvd, in this creepy building. All this Brass from the Pentagon and the DoD, are running in and out all day long – dragging defense contractors to their doom over some tiny infraction

I’m thinking of challenging Hillary’s security clearance over this – Huma is in violation of the security clearance laws right now, and I know which directives she’s violating – if she was working for Cal Tech, or Jet Propulsion Lab, or Lockheed, etc, she would be out of a job and back to Saudi Arabia having her visa revoked.

And she’s running around the White House with that cow? I am the same age as Hillary – to the date and year – I used to work for the Carter white house in an office in downtown Los Angeles – I was at Haight Ashbury in 1967, I was a hippie – and these FAKE HIPPIES Bill and HIllary- have been sucking the lifeblood out of the hippies – we were never like these people –

And if Obama was a real hip liberal guy, he would have been at Berkeley – not Occidental. Occidental was a cheesy political good old boys college – My husband worked for the very same community organization he worked for in Chicago – and it’s not a community organization – its a front for the mob – my husband quit after they pulled a gun on him

So listen, you can look at the security clearance laws, by pulling up a copy of DoD Directive 5220.6 – and you can read how many security clearance laws Hillary and Huma are in violation of – if you can’t find it, I’ll get you a link. It’s pretty hard to miss.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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