Monthly Archives: May 2011

Dr. Feelgood

When proffering my Alexander Technique services today, I asked a girl, “Do you want some Dr. Feelgood?” All chicks I know find this moniker creepy, like I’m a drug pusher. But God made this way. Let him soothe your soul, … Continue reading

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What If I’m Getting Close When It Comes Time For My Sex Addiction Meeting?

I see myself exploring the great indoors with a comely lass. We’re doing writing exercises and mutually supporting each other’s literary endeavors. We might even drink some Manischevitz, blow the shofar and discuss which yeshiva to send our kids. Then … Continue reading

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Voice Lessons

I used my Alexander Technique lessons this week to develop my voice. I tend to carry around a lot of unnecessary tension in my jaw and neck, and I get particularly tight when I start speaking provocatively. Have you heard … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Longtime Editor-Publisher of Northern California’s ‘j.’ Weekly to Retire

Marc S. Klein, longtime editor and publisher of San Francisco-based  j., the Jewish news weekly of Northern California, is planning to retire. “I’ll be leaving probably sometime in the fall. I’m exhausted…I asked to leave and the board made it possible,” Klein … Continue reading

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We’re Approaching The One Year Anniversary Of Torah Talk

I met Rabbi Rabbs on June 9, 2010. We did a long interview. A few days later, on June 14, we discussed the weekly Torah portion for the first time. It was Chukkat (Numbers 19:1-22:1.).

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