Monthly Archives: June 2011

Will the “Freedom Flotilla” Reach Gaza?

Will the new mission of the so-called Freedom Flotilla, set to launch for Gaza this week, go off as planned after multiple delays and disappointments for organizers? And whose job is it to enforce the blockade against Gaza? Israel’s Security … Continue reading

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All Rapes In Norway In 2010 Committed By Muslims

Robert J. Avrech writes: Actually, every rape in Norway in 2010 was committed by Muslim immigrants against non-Muslim Norwegian women. That’s weird because, y’know, Islam is the religion of peace, the religion that honors and cherishes women. Okay, let’s run … Continue reading

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The Frum DiaperGirl

So this putative girl on Facebook says she’s a graduate of Brooklyn’s Masores Bais Yaakov School. She? writes on FB: “so my account got deleted by facebook 🙁 please add me back frum jewish girl from brooklyn with a diaper … Continue reading

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My Heart Is Broken That Prisoners No Longer Get Drama Class

I say, more workin’ and less learnin’ for prisoners! I had no idea that taxpayers were on the hook for funding art classes for California prisoners. The New York Times reports: Two years ago, arts in corrections programs were a … Continue reading

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Driving While Davening

Kirk emails: Leaving my house this morning to go to work, a van approaches with a driver (long beard, black hat) that was swerving while making his way down the street. When he passed me I noticed he had a … Continue reading

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