Daily Archives: May 12, 2011

Are You A Sex And Love Addict?

Check out these 40 questions. I answered yes to about 35 of them. But I don’t have a problem! I’m all under control. No hole in my soul! Not a big one anyway.

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Was Marjorie Barstow The Greatest Alexander Teacher?

I never met Marjorie Barstow. I heard from an Alexander Technique teacher I respect that she was the greatest Alexander teacher ever, better than the man himself F.M. Alexander. That may well be, but I wonder if many of those … Continue reading

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When Our Beliefs Are Just Muscle Tension

I heard something hard to swallow from an Alexander Technique teacher — that all of our beliefs are just unnecessary muscle tension, and that when we let go of that unnecessary tension, we let go of our beliefs. I’ve always … Continue reading

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Jewish-Flavored Ice Cream, Uganda’s Rabbi, and Photoshopping Hillary Clinton

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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Reparations To Holocaust Survivors

Email: Listen to Barry Chamish and his guest Professor Yitzchak Kerem highlight to you the Sabbatean Frankist deviousness goings on with the currency owed to Holocaust survivors. Yitzhak Kerem emails me: “I bashed not only Weisel and the Claims, but … Continue reading

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