Daily Archives: May 2, 2011

Rabbis Warn Against Celebrating Bin Laden’s Death

These rabbis evidently get their values more from leftism than from Judaism. The Jewish tradition celebrates the death of the wicked such as Haman. I’m embarrassed to have such foolish rabbis in Los Angeles speaking out with such nonsense. If … Continue reading

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Taking Back Shaarei Tefila?

Allan N. Lowy, Richie Katz, Motty Naor and Emil Fish, Past Presidents of Congregation Shaarei Tefila (TakeBackOurShul@gmail.com) email: Dear Members, Former Members, Future Members, Stakeholders and Friends: The time has come to take back our Shul from a cabal that … Continue reading

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Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “We are told constantly that this can bring ‘closure’, a word I’m not a big fan of, to a lot of the relatives of the victims of 9/11. They are quoted as … Continue reading

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