Daily Archives: May 17, 2011

It Never Hurts Me To Write

I never get headaches from writing about personal stuff. I never get a stomach ache or any other ailment. It’s pretty much effortless for me to write about my life. What I find tough is reading such work to real … Continue reading

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Three Twelve-Step Meetings And I’m A Changed Man

I’m stunned by how a few sex addiction meetings have affected me. I don’t walk around with the predatory fantasies that normally afflict me. Please know that these are fantasies only! I don’t act them out. I’m a good Orthodox … Continue reading

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I Have No Use For People Who Take Offense

If you use the phrase, “I’m offended” or “That’s offensive”, I want nothing to do with you. I’ve worked hard to create a life where I can say what I want. As I live this vision, I encounter increasingly few … Continue reading

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Women Want Strong Men

I’ve met many enchanting women who were simply too strong for me. I couldn’t keep up with them. I think all healthy women want a man who’s stronger than her — stronger physically, psychologically, financially. Dennis Prager says that what … Continue reading

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I Suffer From Oneitis

When I meet a great girl, I tend to moon about her for weeks and months. This mooning, this fantasizing, this attaching of magical qualities to her does not generally endear me to the object of my desire and just … Continue reading

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