Daily Archives: May 5, 2011

Advice To Potential Converts To Orthodox Judaism

I find myself talking a lot to people interested in converting to Orthodox Judaism. Here’s some advice: * There are more than five Orthodox Jewish law courts (Batei Din) in Los Angeles that do conversions — including the RCC (the … Continue reading

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Simon Wiesenthal Center Honors Tom Cruise Tonight

Yesterday afternoon, I got a phone call from the news department at a Los Angeles TV station. They were interested in reporting on the Tom Cruise dinner tonight but only if they could get a representative from a major Jewish … Continue reading

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What Did We Do To Provoke 9/11?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager responded: “What did the 75 million Chinese slaughtered by Mao’s communist party do to provoke it? What did the Jews do to provoke the Nazis? What did blacks do to provoke slavery? What … Continue reading

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