Daily Archives: May 4, 2011

The Type Of Women I Fall For

The connection is usually swift. The women who turn me on are fast thinkers and fast speakers. They tend to be decisive, strong, formidable. Erudite. Capable. Our repartee is snappy because they love to laugh. I don’t have to explain … Continue reading

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I Don’t Have A Problem With Slumlords

So long as they aren’t hurting third parties, I see no reason why they can’t operate as they wish within the law. Slumlords have no power to force people to live in their broken down properties. Poor people don’t have … Continue reading

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Is Israel Embracing The Enemy’s Narrative?

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes: In the face of relentless intransigence from an enemy who refuses to negotiate, much less to concede anything, Israel’s prime ministers (since the Oslo process began) have felt a compelling need to bypass negotiations and gradually … Continue reading

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The New York Times And The Goldstone Report

CAMERA SAYS: Of the many stories the Times ran on Judge Goldstone and his report, two merited front page placement: an initial article, titled “U.N. Inquiry Sees Gaza War Crimes; Israel Chastised,” that focused primarily on the report’s condemnation of … Continue reading

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A Passion For The Patriots And For Israel

The Jewish Press reports: Among the legion of Jewish businessmen who own professional sports franchises across North America, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft stands out for his love of Israel, his devotion to the promotion of American football here, … Continue reading

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