Monthly Archives: August 2010

Dennis Prager On Larry King

From Prager H1: Dennis was on Larry King Live last night with Stephanie Miller, Bishop Harry Jackson, and, candidate for Attorney General, California, Kamala Harris, The subject was same sex marriage…This morning on her radio show, Stephanie Miller, accused … Continue reading

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One man’s vegetarian journey from Seventh-Day Adventism to Orthodox Judaism

I am going to speak to a group of Jewish vegetarians in October. Vegetarianism is the last topic I thought I’d ever speak on. I’ve been a vegetarian all my life but never thought about it much. Here are the … Continue reading

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The Slave Mentality

The Ibn Ezra (medieval Jewish commentator) said that Moses would not have attracted the respect he did among the Israelies if he had grown up as one of them (instead he was raised in Pharoah’s court). In his 1995 lecture … Continue reading

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Was Moses Wrong To Kill The Egyptian?

Exodus 2: 11-13 (NIV): “One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. 12 … Continue reading

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The Hasidim Conquered America

From a Jewish Press interview with Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff: Today we all wear uniforms. What is the concept of wearing a uniform? What is chassidus all about? It’s beautiful. You have a social order, you build a wall around yourself … Continue reading

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