Daily Archives: July 27, 2010

Charles Krauthammer Is An Atheist

Dennis Prager said that today. I knew Krauthammer was secular but didn’t know that he denied G-d’s existence.

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Within 15 Minutes!

Here’s the JTA article about the Arab man in Jerusalem charged with rape for telling a Jewish woman he was Jewish: “Within 15 minutes of meeting each other, the couple had consensual sex on the top of a nearby building. … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of Tattoos

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager, who was born in 1948, says that as a kid, he almost never saw tattooed women. “There was a sideshow in circuses of freaky people and one of them was the tattooed woman.” … Continue reading

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Liami Lawrence Interview

He hosts a radio show in Los Angeles and he hosts regular parties for Jewish singles. We talk on my live cam about his kiruv work introducing striptease to Israel, his flirtation with Christianity last year and his views on … Continue reading

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