Daily Archives: July 18, 2010

Eva’s Story: A Survivor’s Tale by the Step-Sister of Anne Frank

This is a great Holocaust memoir. Here are some of the most inspiring passages: From page 188 (after Eva had been liberated by the Russians, she was 15): After these showers we were handed clean knickers and directed to another … Continue reading

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The Young Shul

Email: “Hello, I really like your blog, especially your review of synagogues. I too am a convert to Judaism… I was wondering if you would recommend a few synagogues (preferably Conservative or Reform) with a good community and younger membership … Continue reading

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A Sex Object For Chimps

The author (Thomas French) of this new book Zoo Story was on Dennis Prager’s radio show last week: Another morning with the chimps. Another sexual request from Herman. He’s in his den in the night house. He wants one of … Continue reading

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Tisha B’Av Pick-Up Lines

Heshy Fried writes: We can make our own live music together You smell great for someone who hasn’t showered since Rosh Chodesh Want to try some of my milchig treats? We can use non-leather whips if you’re machmir on Tisha … Continue reading

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