Daily Archives: July 16, 2010

Girl Raised From Birth By Wolf Blitzer Taken Into Protective Custody

Girl Raised From Birth By Wolf Blitzer Taken Into Protective Custody

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The 50 Most Prestigious Shabbos Invites In Pico-Robertson

I need help filling out this list.

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Modern Orthodox Vs. Chareidim

Chareidi trial attorney Baruch Cohen writes: “The MO community has its shares of criminal convictions for criminal behavior and scandals and it is not immune from Gezel or other wrongdoings. When the an NCSY official was convicted of sex crimes, … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Germany Bans Turkey-Based Gaza Flotilla “Charity”

Buried deep down in a story headlined, “Sponsor of Flotilla Tied to Elite of Turkey,” The New York Times reports: The Humanitarian Relief Foundation was founded in the early 1990s, first as a charity for the poor in Istanbul, and … Continue reading

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