Daily Archives: July 15, 2010

Torah Talk With Joey Kurtzman

This week’s Torah portion is Deuteronomy. Joey and I started Torah talk in August of 2008, the same month I took my first Alexander Technique lesson. Luke: “You were recently on a spiritual journey to India?” Joey: “My wife and … Continue reading

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By Fire, By Water

I just finished reading this terrific new novel by Mitchell James Kaplan. We talk by phone today. Luke: “Mitchell, when you were a child, did you want to be a novelist when you grew up?” Mitchell: “Yes. Certainly from the … Continue reading

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When Bad Implants Happen To Good People

What is a man of faith to do when he is repeatedly confronted by bad implants happening to good people? Does he deny the existence of all an powerful, all beneficent deity? Does he wail and gnash his teeth and … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘Only Blacks Have Leaders’

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager says: “The very idea of black leader, I find unpersuasive. Blacks have leaders but whites don’t have leaders. Hispanics don’t have leaders, asians don’t have leaders. Only blacks have leaders. Do you know … Continue reading

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Aftermath of rescue: boy’s father sues

Much of the best reporting on Orthodox Jewish life these days occurs on The Jewish Star. Michael Orbach writes: A Brooklyn father who sent his son to an abusive boot camp for delinquents in the Caribbean is suing a Far … Continue reading

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