Daily Archives: July 29, 2010

The Incompetence Of The Federal Bench As Demonstrated By Susan Bolton’s Arizona Ruling

Heather Mac Donald posts: In enjoining Arizona’s landmark immigration law, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton maintains the Obama administration’s carefully cultivated fiction: that what concerns the White House regarding S.B. 1070 is its effect on legal, rather than illegal, aliens. … Continue reading

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Toras HaShem Is Now Young Israel Of Valley Village

Jeff emails: Did you hear that Rabbi Zvi Block is negotiating selling his shul Toras HaShem for 1.2mil $ to Yeshivas Ner Aryeh? Joe emails: “It would be an incredible power play by the right wing in the valley. Toras … Continue reading

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Was Jesus The Messiah To The Goyim?

Evan posts to my FB: “Jesus sort of wrote his own commentary on the Torah. Do you agree?” Luke: “I don’t agree with anything Jesus said that was new. Anything he said that was true, was not new.” Evan: “That’s … Continue reading

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How should Jewish men and women go about breaking free from the bondage of sexual sin?

My question is inspired by this Christian sermon. Daniel comments: Here’s how: they keep going to Munchies and avoiding the gym until they’re so repulsive to each other that they’re no longer tempted.

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Are Liberals Open-Minded?

Dennis Prager writes: I can personally attest to the closed-mindedness among Jewish liberals. Despite having written two best-selling Jewish books and hundreds of articles on Jewish issues, and having lectured to virtually every major Jewish organization in North America for … Continue reading

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