Daily Archives: July 25, 2010

This Week’s Torah Portion With Dr. Mark Kirschbaum From Tikkun Magazine

This week’s Torah portion is Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25). Here’s a non-Jewish woman wondering about Hasidic boys and the weird plant rituals of Succot. So she asks one and he responds by asking if she is Jewish. When she says no, … Continue reading

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Facebook Friends

A classmate of mine from Pacific Union College Elementary School (1977-80) posts to her Facebook: “How many of us really know everyone on our FB list?…..Here’s a task for you… I want all my FB friends to post how you … Continue reading

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Neal Dublinsky ZT”L

I’m eating lunch at 12:20 p.m. today in front of my desktop computer and surfing around Facebook when I chance upon this announcement on a friend’s page: “BARUCH DAYAN HA EMES: Our Beloved Friend NEIL DUBLINSKY (“Neil Dee” on Facebook) … Continue reading

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