Daily Archives: July 9, 2010

Mad Max

I spent my morning with Josh Alan Friedman. We’ve walked a similar career path. He’s ten years older than me. What he says about his life today, I figure that’s going to be me in a few years. In 1986, … Continue reading

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Faceless Bureaucracy Made The Holocaust Possible

On his radio show July 11, 2008, Dennis Prager says: “I am reading a book by a sociologist and he is speaking about how could the Holocaust happen. His big answer is bureaucracy. The larger the governmental bureaucracy, the more … Continue reading

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Welcoming Gays Into Your Home

A Christian man phones Dennis Prager’s radio show July 11, 2008: “I am a stay at home father. I have three young girls I stay home with. My wife has developed several friendships at work with individuals who are homosexual. … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘The Heart Stinks As A Guide To Life’

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis says: “The heart stinks as a guide to life. Stinks. It’s the worst. It is better to be guided by a ouija board than by your heart. I’d rather you had a tarot card … Continue reading

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I Interview Author Josh Alan Friedman In Pershing Square

Bio: In 1987, writer-guitarist Josh Alan Friedman sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads (the Crossroads of the World–Broadway & 42nd Street) and moved to Texas. He’d just written Tales of Times Square, a cult classic. An Expanded … Continue reading

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