Daily Archives: July 4, 2010

Self-Portrait In Turkey

In a 2004 lecture on Deuteronomy 16, Dennis Prager says: “The Jews are very tempted by Canaanite paganism. We’re all tempted by paganism. Pagan is the natural state of things. An invisible one God is hardly natural compared to a … Continue reading

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The Meir Kin Divorce Case

Joe emails: Luke, here is another letter from a different Bais Din (Jewish law court) condemning the RCC and the new Seiruv as fraudulent and meritless. Rabbi Gestetner has condemmed Herschel Schachter from New York, Avrohom Union and Nochum Sauer … Continue reading

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Andrea Thompson Commentaries

Steam Chip emails: I just emerged from my cave a few weeks ago and discovered who Andrea Thompson is. Consider anything I write from here on in this particular context — it is NEW news to me. Next week I’ll … Continue reading

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Orthodox Union Kashrut

Mac emails: http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2010/06/analyzing-rubashkin-sentence.html?showComment=1277260920104#c1606277554340667533 Last week came the news that OU head of shechita Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel is overseeing shochtim who eat treif or are not otherwise shomrei Torah umitzvos. I asked a rov to look into this. A rather … Continue reading

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Sunday Night Torah Talk With Tikkun Torah Columnist Dr. Mark Kirschbaum

Read Dr. Kirschbaum’s work here. Certain people used the work of a 19th Century Hasidic rebbe to hit on girls. We discuss using God to pick up chicks. Dr. Kirschbaum’s essay Biblical epic and personal narrative, as inspired by the … Continue reading

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