Daily Archives: July 7, 2010

Dennis Prager On Lindsay Lohan

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “The life of Lindsay Lohan does not rivet me. The collective works of Lindsay Lohan would not rivet my attention. The only reason I mention this is because of her mother. Lindsay … Continue reading

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I Never Get Together With Guys Just To Talk

A friend had to send his car into the shop, so every day I’d pick him and we’d ride together to school. We ended up loving this arrangement and kept it up even after his car was fixed. We enjoyed … Continue reading

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I’m Getting Nose Implants

Even though I’ve grown this long beard and I wear my tzitzit out, people can still tell I wasn’t born Jewish. Even non-Jews can tell. One woman said to me: “You don’t really have the traditional Jewish nose though. Don’t … Continue reading

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I Got To Talk About Tisha B’Av On The Beach

What is the Jewish fast day of Tisha B’Av? Check out its Wikipedia profile. So, some friends of mine were having a bonfire at Dockweiler Beach last night. I was ambivalent about going. My soul is so in love with … Continue reading

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Better Free Than Safe

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager talked about this 17 year old girl camp counselor who said she had to have a week of training, including sexual harassment training, before she started work. I worked as a summer camp … Continue reading

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