Monthly Archives: January 2010

I’m Standing Straight And Tall Using Alexander Technique

While I was off doing the Lord’s work, somebody impersonating my mother and father came into my live cam chatroom (I read his patter to my therapist, she went into hysterics, she think he is brilliant and has me to … Continue reading

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The Combo

Friday night, the rabbi said the class on Hasidut would begin at 8 a.m. He didn’t want to look like a dick and show up on time, so he strolled up in his best undertaker suit at 8:15 a.m. and … Continue reading

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I Need A Rich Broad

Ladies, I’m live on my cam. It’s a crying shame that a man of my talents lives in squalor while so many unworthy characters have wives, kids and mortgages. Josh: luke, you can’t keep this up. you have to find … Continue reading

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Do You Need A License To Practice Alexander Technique In Some States?

Anybody can call themselves an Alexander Technique teacher, just like anybody can call themselves a rabbi. Like Judaism, Alexander Technique is not run by a hierarchy. What I did not know was that you apparently need a license in some … Continue reading

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The Untimely Demise Of The Las Vegas Jewish Reporter

Amy, the wife of Arthur Bloberger, the editor of the Jewish Reporter, emails Las Vegas entertainment executive Tom Ficara: Hello, I’m Arthur’s wife, Amy. Arthur has been keeping me informed about the ongoing issues with the Federation. I know that … Continue reading

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