Daily Archives: January 19, 2010

The Rookie

There’s one genre of movies that always turns me on — underdog sports dramas. I love them. I watched The Rookie (about Jim Morris) tonight (about four years after I watched it the first time). I was struck about how … Continue reading

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Scott Brown Wins 52-47

That’s what Drudge says. That should stop Obamacare. This is a massive rejection of the Democrats. Joe emails: The brown election is divine providence. Just as Obama’s anti-Israel machinery was cranking up to force the Jewish state to stop settling … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam Celebrating Republican Victory! Let’s Make America Great Again

Click here. Mary: I am fascinated that you make your women sleep at your feet. Fascinated and not a little turned on. You need to find a woman who’ll be happy to do what she’s told. If you call the … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: New article on homosexuality by four senior YU roshei yeshiva: link Shas joins World Zionist Congress: link R. Shlomo Riskin and R. Eugene Korn: A time to act for Catholic-Jewish reconciliation: link Deafening silence over EJF scandal: link … Continue reading

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Forward Reporter Moves To Los Angeles Times

Chaim Weiss writes: One of the key news writers and editors at the Forward has moved on and has joined the staff at the New York bureau of the Los Angeles Times to cover Wall Street and the business sector. … Continue reading

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