Daily Archives: January 17, 2010

Reb Moshe’s Lonely Stand On Seclusion

The law against “Yichud” (seclusion) is normally understood in orthodox Jewish law as preventing a man and a woman (who are not married, nor family members) from being together alone in a room. Given the bevy of women who traipse … Continue reading

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Women Must Be Believed?

The rabbinic commentator Ramah said about accusations of adultery that women are believed (if they confess to adultery). The assumption is if the woman says it, it must be true, because it would be too embarrassing to lie about. That’s … Continue reading

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Does The RCC President Matter?

No. What matters for the Rabbinical Council of California is who runs it and that is the tough as nails passionate baal teshuva Rabbi Avrohom Union. The RCC current president is Rabbi Meyer May. The organization wouldn’t operate much differently … Continue reading

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Has The RCA Developed Backbone Over Conversions?

Currently the RCA accepts the determination of Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi Shlomo Amar about which conversions he will accept. I don’t expect the RCA will change its approach as long as Rabbi Basil Herring runs the show. He’s too weak. … Continue reading

Posted in Conversion, Haredi, R. Basil Herring, R. Shlomo Amar, RCA | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Has The RCA Developed Backbone Over Conversions?

Another Attempt To Fire Rav Haim Druckman

The Jerusalem Post reports Jan. 13, 2010: The Civil Service Authority wrote a letter this week calling on the Prime Minister’s Office to terminate Rabbi Haim Druckman as head of the National Conversion Authority, following the expiration of his contract … Continue reading

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