Daily Archives: January 2, 2010

I’m Afraid To Love You If I’m Not Positive You’re Going To Love Me Back Equally

People with a strong sense of self are less afraid to love. They don’t need to know that they will be loved back equally. I have a weak sense of self. I find out who I am through the reactions … Continue reading

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The Return

Over the past 18 months, I spent less time in synagogue than at any point since I started going to shul regularly in the fall of 1993. Until September 14, I was going through my Orthodox conversion to Judaism and … Continue reading

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‘I Would Never Deliberately Do Anything To Hurt You’

That’s one of sayings I hate most because it is so dishonest. Everybody in every relationship deliberately does things to hurt the ones they love (and hate). You can’t love someone without having a host of other emotions as well, … Continue reading

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