Daily Archives: January 5, 2010

The Jewish Week Covers Whistleblower Robert Frank

Joel emails me: LukeFord, In recents weeks I have been following a line of posts that you have on your website regarding a disgruntled employee of Montefiore hospital, Mr. Robert Frank. It appears to me that till now no evidence … Continue reading

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What Makes For A Good Marriage

In his third hour today, Dennis Prager, who’s on his third marriage, said: “Let me give you a realization I came to about life that I did not know 20 years ago. The role of luck in good marriage. I … Continue reading

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So Now We’re Profiling?

Dennis Prager said near the end of his second hour today of his radio show: “The U.S. intensifies screening of travelers from 14 nations.” He reads from the New York Times report. “Apparently we are nationally profiling and religiously profiling. … Continue reading

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Jews Conflicted On Immigration

Stephen Steinlight emails: This is the lengthy piece (a sure sign they know the story is important) that JTA ran today on CIS’s latest poll on the widening gulf separating the pulpit from the pews in America on immigration — … Continue reading

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Corruption In Jewish Law Courts

A.B. writes: I think that it is unanimously agreed that the state of Botei Din in the US is pathetic. Going to the Brooklyn Courts one comes across minyan after minyan of not only ultra Orthodox but even Chassidic Jews … Continue reading

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