Daily Archives: January 22, 2010

Dennis Prager Concludes His Teaching Of The Torah

In April 1992, Dennis Prager began teaching the Torah verse-by-verse at what was then the University of Judaism (now known as American Jewish University). On February 2, 2010, he was due to finish. A check of DennisPrager.com on Jan. 22, … Continue reading

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Making Love Out Of Nothing At All

This is my favorite song. Here’s a rambling late night conversation with my date. I discuss about my dreams of playing running back for Bill Walsh and the San Francisco 49ers during the 1980s. I talk about my favorite movie … Continue reading

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I’m Feeling Stroppy


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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: Hold the presses: newspapers are competing for Orthodox readers: link Renewing the siddur: link Prediction that Mashiach will come this year (mark your calendars to see if it comes true): link R. Asher Meir on ethics and tax … Continue reading

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Organs On Shabbat

Jerry emails: I stumbled accross your website and wanted to ask you about synagogues. I grew up in LA, but just moved back after living 13 years in New York. Do any of the Reform or other synagogues still use … Continue reading

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