Daily Archives: January 16, 2010

Las Vegas Jewish Federation

A departing employee emails the chairman of the Las Vegas Jewish Federation Leonard Stone: Leonard, I never had the opportunity to ask you the one burning question I had prior to my leaving the Federation. What do you suppose your … Continue reading

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Big Boy Rules: America’s Mercenaries Fighting In Iraq

Despite a stomach bug, I interviewed by phone Washington Post reporter Steve Fainaru Wednesday evening, Jan. 13, 2010, about his 2009 book Big Boy Rules. Luke: “Tell me about the impact of 9/11 upon you personally and professionally.” Steve: “It … Continue reading

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Rabbi Tovia Singer – Lover Of Zion

Rabbi Tovia Singer’s acolyte, the billionaire Guma Aguiar (recently placed in a mental hospital) sounds a lot like his mentor. Watch this video. The key words and inflection are similar to Tovia Singer. Here’s Rabbi Singer debating the Christian Trinity: … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Private Remarks Should Not Be Made Public

On his radio show Jan. 11, 2010, Dennis Prager said about U.S. Senate majority leader Harry Reid’s remarks about Barack Obama being more electable because he was a light-skinned black man who only spoke with a “negro dialect when he … Continue reading

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