Daily Archives: October 14, 2009

The Love Rabbi

Dan Adler writes in the Jewish Journal: I met Rabbi Yitzhak Dovid Grossman three weeks ago in a beautiful apartment across from the Western Wall. We stood at the window and looked out at some 5,000 kids preparing to say … Continue reading

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Christian Church In San Mateo Welcomes A Rabbi In Residence

I remember Dennis Prager saying that every synagogue should have a sister church. Wow, the Orthodox did not react too well to that idea. From the San Mateo County Times: SAN MATEO — Religious tolerance is no longer enough. In … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Secret Diary VII

Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part Five. Part Six. Sept. 8. 2009. I got into trouble today. I got too high on my bipolar spectrum and sent off a bunch of emails that I thought were funny … Continue reading

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Praying For Unbelievers

People, usually secularists, are often asking me to pray for them. Most of the time it just trips off their tongues without much thought. A friend just told me: " So, if you ever say prayers for us wretched unbelievers, … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Secret Diary VI

Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part Five. Aug. 11. I said goodbye to my therapist last night. It was lovely. She’s so genuine. She connects to that part of me that’s genuine and vulnerable. Perhaps I should … Continue reading

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