Daily Archives: October 28, 2009

Dennis Prager Disagrees With Giving Jewish Kids Distinctively Jewish Names

Dennis said on his radio show today that he disagrees with Jewish parents who give their kids distinctively Jewish names. I guess he means names such as Dovid or Shmuel or Dov. Dennis says they should have their Hebrew names … Continue reading

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Orit Arfa Given The Brush-Off By Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger

Orit Arfa writes a fascinating and heartfelt blog post on a recent debate at Stephen S. Wise temple: “Hi Patti,” I said as I approached her. “My colleague at the Jewish Journal once interviewed you, and I thought I’d introduce … Continue reading

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The Most Eloquent Return To Conservatism Since Reagan

Dennis Prager noted that this is taking place under the most left-wing president in US history. About 40% of Americans now call themselves conservative. On all ten major issues confronting the country according to one poll, Republicans were deemed better … Continue reading

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On Dennis Prager’s radio show Oct. 22, Larry Elder said: "I never use the term African-American. It’s a term that is divisive. I’m an American. I was born and raised in Los Angeles… Obviously I have ancestors who come from … Continue reading

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Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation

I read this book when it came out. It’s a good read and a good window into post-apartheid South Africa and the World Cup rugby final that united a nation. Now it is being made into a movie directed by … Continue reading

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