Daily Archives: October 13, 2009

Jealous Of Her Dog

I am wary about how emotionally attached she is to her dog. It’s not even her dog. It’s a friend’s dog that she takes home many nights. She’s more attached to this dog than she is to me. I’m losing … Continue reading

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Creating Passion

I met a girl last week who was talking about her lousy love life. I recommended the work of David Deida to her to understand love, sex and passion. I particularly pushed Deida’s first book, "Intimate Communion." I saw her … Continue reading

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Are You A Good Person?

If person who’ve been close to you keep falling away and you are alienated from good people, that’s a good way of asking what gives with you. Geez, what gives with me? I have this problem. Dennis Prager talked about … Continue reading

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The UCLA Knifer Thought He Was A Victim

The bloke from Belize who knifed that girl in lab for no good reason last week thought everyone was out to get him. I get nervous when people tell me about how everyone is out to get them. I hear … Continue reading

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Are You On A Spiritual Journey?

I chose to click the Barry Gelman link in my Google News Alert for "rabbi" because I am a masochist. I know that whenever I read this Orthodox rabbi, I will be annoyed by the shallowness of his thought. Here’s … Continue reading

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