Daily Archives: October 12, 2009

What Would Make You Believe In God?

From Prager University, where I got my BA:

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Dennis Prager Explains Male Sexuality

I found this very helpful in understanding myself:

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The U.S. Military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy

Dennis Prager tackled this topic in the second hour of his show. "There is no difference between a white human being and a black human being, but there is a difference between a homosexual or a heterosexual human being. "The … Continue reading

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Female Teacher Has Her Fourth Graders Put Columbus On Trial

Dennis Prager says that as soon as he read that fourth graders put Columbus on trial, he immediately assumed that they had a female teacher. He was right. From AOL News: In McDonald, Pa., 30 miles southwest of Pittsburgh, fourth-grade … Continue reading

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Does Facebook Lead To Defamation?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student blogs: In this week’s The Jewish Press, R. Mordechai Weiss writes [on page 25]: Then came Facebook and Twitter, which took the Internet to a new level of impropriety. Things are written on Facebook that end … Continue reading

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