Daily Archives: October 27, 2009

When Was The Last Time A Conservative Ran On ‘Hope’?

Dennis Prager said on his radio show today: "Their arguments are not based on reality. They believe that higher taxes will help the economy. Paul Krugman won a Nobel prize in economics and he believes that. "The notion of hope. … Continue reading

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Jewish School Refuses To Admit Boy On Religious Grounds

From The Guardian: Britain’s most successful Jewish school told the supreme court today it had discriminated against a 12-year-old boy on religious rather than racial grounds. Lord Pannick QC, representing the JFS, told nine judges and a standing-room-only crowd that … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Changes His Position On Spanking

On his radio show Oct. 27, 2009, Dennis said he never spanked his kids. He now thinks that was a mistake. "Everything within context — spanking, yelling. All things being equal, when done right, a spanking can be less injurious … Continue reading

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Ivanka Trump Marries Jared Kushner In An Orthodox Ceremony

From Hirhurim: Rav Elyashiv’s rulings hit mainstream media: link Wikipedia striving for balance on divisive issues: link NYC Dept of Health issues poster to wash hands and recite the blessing after using the bathroom: link Ivanka Trump married Jared Kushner … Continue reading

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Controlling Illegal Immigration

CIS.org writes: WASHINGTON (October 27, 2009) – The 287(g) program was created by Congress in 1996 to enhance cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities. The Obama administration has imposed new rules for the 287(g) program that unduly … Continue reading

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