Daily Archives: October 11, 2009

Tired Of Diversity?

Rabbi Nachum Shifren emails: "Coalition Launches Hospitality Boot Camp to Increase Diversity in LA-area Hotels" (LA Sentinel, 10-8) What do you really need from your hotel? Well, you’re probably paying alot of money, so you want service. Hot water would … Continue reading

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Aish HaTorah’s One Year Anniversary In Tel Aviv

From The Jerusalem Post: "Everyone finds their way to Tel Aviv," enthused Rabbi David Ziering last week, as Aish HaTorah Tel Aviv celebrated its first anniversary, ironically enough, in Jerusalem. Although Aish HaTorah has long been known as one of … Continue reading

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A Serious Film?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech writes for Aish.com: Stay until the very end of all the credits at the conclusion of the Coen brothers new movie, A Serious Man, and you’ll see something I’m certain has never been done before in the … Continue reading

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