Daily Archives: October 9, 2009

How Do You Show Someone You Truly Love Him?

I think it is clear to me that the only convincing way to show somebody that you love him is to sacrifice your child. You call your friend over and then you point out your child hanging on a cross … Continue reading

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I Lubricated Her Hinges

I was back in her apartment for the first time in three months. I went to the bathroom to see if my toothbrush was still there. It was not. I had my WD40 with me and I went around her … Continue reading

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Stephen Steinlight On Immigration Reform

Stephen emails: Dear Friends, First of all a Shana Tovah and a Good Yontif! It’s been too, too long, and I’m sending my heartfelt wishes for a splendid and sweet year. I’m sending this statement — placed in the record … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Grotto! Kids Will Love It!

A friend who’s converting to Judaism emails me: "I was talking to my mom on the phone just now, trying to explain to her what a sukkah is. I told her it was like a hut, a temporary dwelling place, … Continue reading

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One Man Who Deserved The Nobel Peace Prize

I broke the news to a liberal friend this morning. She responded: "For what?" I laughed. "For what did he win the Nobel Prize?" she said. "Was it Afghanistan? Iraq? I don’t get it." Bridget Johnson writes: "Was there ANYONE … Continue reading

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