Daily Archives: September 10, 2009

My Bearded Buddy

Every day I look more and more like Khalid Sheik Mohammed. My live cam in Gitmo Pico-Robertson where I’m serving a sentence for love crimes. Khunrum emails: “It doesn’t seem that long ago when Luke took pride in his appearance. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Gershon Bess

I got a copy of City Spirit (a glossy bimonthly) thrown in with my groceries at Glatt Mart yesterday. Leafing through the articles, I paid particular attention to how the writers described themselves. Here’s Rabbi Gershon Bess‘s description — I … Continue reading

Posted in Eliyahu Safran, R. Gershon Bess, R. YY Rubinstein, RCC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi Gershon Bess

Lobbyist Sex

When I think about the tawdry fall of Republican state Assemblyman Michael Duvall after he was caught on tape boasting about an extramarital affair with a lobbyist, I ponder the lofty issue of how much are lobbyists influencing politics with … Continue reading

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Reform Responsa

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: When you think of Reform responsa, you automatically think of Reform Rabbi Solomon Freehof, who published some eight volumes of responsa (on Freehof, see the article in Wikipedia – link – and listen to the … Continue reading

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