Monthly Archives: September 2009

The Jewish Press Interviews Rabbi Gil Student

From Hirhurim: The Jewish Press has an interview with me this week (link). Here’s an excerpt and you can read the whole thing at the source: In the world of Orthodox blogs, few are as popular as, run by … Continue reading

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The Journal Of Halacha And Contemporary Society

Rabbi Gil Student blogs: The Succot 5770/Fall 2009 issue of The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society has been published: Correcting the Ba’al Koreh: Punctilious Performance vs. Public Embarrassment by R. Moshe Rosenberg – A fantastic discussion of the multiple … Continue reading

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Why Are Some Teams Always Finesse Teams?

The Dallas Cowboys, no matter the coach, have been a finesse football team for about 50 years now. By contrast, the Pittsburgh Steeler have always been a brutal force team. Why has this never changed? The teams have been successful. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Says Michael Jackson Threw His Life Away

I was sitting with a group of Gentiles last week. They were discussing Shmuley Boteach’s book “Face Your Fear“. They love his TV show "Shalom in the Home." They were impressed I knew Shmuley. He was one rabbi they could … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Angry Female Caller

On his happiness hour Friday, Dennis Prager took a call from Connie in Sacramento. Connie: "People have a fundamental moral obligation to be real. That’s the problem in our culture right now. It’s the opposite of what you’re saying. Everybody … Continue reading

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