Monthly Archives: September 2009

Leftist Happiness Is Rooted In What Will Happen

On the third hour of Dennis Prager’s radio show today, he quoted President Obama saying that no government bureaucrat or insurance bureaucrat will stand between you and the health care you need. Dennis: "The happiness of the Left is not … Continue reading

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My Bearded Buddy

Every day I look more and more like Khalid Sheik Mohammed. My live cam in Gitmo Pico-Robertson where I’m serving a sentence for love crimes. Khunrum emails: “It doesn’t seem that long ago when Luke took pride in his appearance. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Gershon Bess

I got a copy of City Spirit (a glossy bimonthly) thrown in with my groceries at Glatt Mart yesterday. Leafing through the articles, I paid particular attention to how the writers described themselves. Here’s Rabbi Gershon Bess‘s description — I … Continue reading

Posted in Eliyahu Safran, R. Gershon Bess, R. YY Rubinstein, RCC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi Gershon Bess

Lobbyist Sex

When I think about the tawdry fall of Republican state Assemblyman Michael Duvall after he was caught on tape boasting about an extramarital affair with a lobbyist, I ponder the lofty issue of how much are lobbyists influencing politics with … Continue reading

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Reform Responsa

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: When you think of Reform responsa, you automatically think of Reform Rabbi Solomon Freehof, who published some eight volumes of responsa (on Freehof, see the article in Wikipedia – link – and listen to the … Continue reading

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