Monthly Archives: September 2009

Valley Village To Get A Happy Minyan

Many of us find that the only time we enjoy davening is when we’re rocking out at the Happy Minyan, which prays to Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach melodies. Now I hear that the San Fernando Valley is getting its own Happy … Continue reading

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Mickey Kaus – Orthodox Jew?

A few years ago, Mickey Kaus said he’d give me an interview. Then he never answered any of my follow-ups to actually do the interview. So I made up this. It was probably unethical but it was a heckuva lot … Continue reading

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Why Is It Called ‘The Green Line’?

Because the area Israel controls is covered with green while the land outside of Israel is mainly desert. This is true morally, culturally and physically. Wikipedia says: The term Green Line is used to refer to the 1949 Armistice lines … Continue reading

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Hebrew Illiteracy In Jewish Life

Rabbi Gil Student writes: You might recall an opinion piece last February by Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster about the problems he found teaching Bible in Yeshiva University of some students having difficulty reading and understanding Hebrew (link). R. Shalom Z. … Continue reading

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Does Creation Testify To A Creator?

Ari writes: A lot of religious people use that argument, but it just doesn’t hold water to a non-religious person. Firstly, it’s an example of the Texas sharpshooter fallacy – the odds of the universe turning out this way are … Continue reading

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