Monthly Archives: March 2009

A Commonsense Guide To Passover

Did you know that the crumbs of bread on your floor are not chametz? I didn’t either until I listened to this commonsensical guide to Passover on I’ve always had a problem with Judaism’s legal fictions to get around … Continue reading

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The Sickest Feeling

The sickest feeling is when you are talking to a woman and you suddenly realize that she hates talking to you, she fears talking to you, she is only talking to you to be polite, so it won’t be awkward … Continue reading

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Conservatives Shouldn’t Try To Appeal To Minorities

I wonder how much these same arguments apply to synagogues reaching out to gays? There’s not a hint in this JTA story that same-sex sex might be completely against Judaism and appealing to its practicioners is appealing sentiments contrary to … Continue reading

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The Rockin’ Rabbi

Melissa Gasca writes: He’s known as the "Rock and Roll Rabbi" to many fans and reviewers, and to the congregation of Or Emet in Valencia, Rabbi Jay Levy has provided musical and uplifting leadership for nine years. "(Rabbi Levy) is … Continue reading

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I Got My Kundalini Yoga Name

It’s quite an elaborate process. I had to write an essay on the spiritual qualities most important to me. I had to provide my exact time and date of birth. And then the Guru meditated on the matter for several … Continue reading

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