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Tag Archives: shtetl
Baruch HaShem, My Dog Was Nifter
Heshy Fried gives this guide to sounding more religious, more Orthodox, than you really are: Funeral: Say Levaya instead Death, died or passed away: Nifter is the supreme substitute, if you want to be a bit more moderishe, but not … Continue reading
Posted in Heshy Fried, Orthodoxy
Tagged chevra, correct response, heshy, kiddush cup, mesorah, shtetl
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The New Shiksa Menace
Chaim Amalek emails: "We all know about the Shiksa Menace, V1.0 – the blonde with boobs and bearing who turned the heads of many a yid one or two generations removed from the shtetl, and who continues to lure Jewish … Continue reading
Posted in Chaim Amalek, Jewcy
Tagged asian women, jewish men, shtetl, two generations, yellow peril, yid
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I’m Live On My Cam!
Click here to join the fun! Kevin Roderick reports: Regarding this afternoon’s item on a shortage of matzoh for Passover, mileages vary: "I noticed the shortage too! I live in a very Jewish neighborhood…..near Pico/Robertson…closer to Pico/Fairfax. At my "ghetto" … Continue reading
Posted in Personal
Tagged gelson, grocery stores, jewish family, jewish friends, jewish neighborhood, kevin roderick, local market, manischevitz, matzoh, mileages, Passover, pavillions, quot quot, ralphs, rest of the week, ridicule, Santa Monica, shtetl, water and salt, weho
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