Monthly Archives: January 2009

Camera of Death Vs. Shoes For The Stars

I spent Friday afternoon with actress Christina DeRosa at the store of her friend Jacob Meir — Shoes for the Stars(7558 Melrose Ave,, 323-655-2657). Complete video. I meet makeup artist and clothing designer Tal Sheyn. Christina Christina Christina Tal … Continue reading

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James Kugel – Heretic?

Dr. Kugel, Bible scholar, was the target of a well-received (in Orthodox circles) pamphlets warning Orthodox parents about the dangers of sending their kids to secular universities. Anyone who thinks that Modernity and Orthodoxy are compatible is not Modernity and … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t People More Upset Over The Economic Downturn?

One economist says the relative calm is because almost everyone is hurt. When everyone suffers a setback, you don’t feel as bad about your setback. Dennis Prager took the media to task for focusing on the relative casualties in the … Continue reading

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Should Orthodox Institutions Invite Heretics To Speak?

Modern Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: A few weeks ago, a YU student organization had Prof. James Kugel speak to students. Prof. Kugel, you might recall, recently published a book which makes the case that the Bible is a collection … Continue reading

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All He Wanted Was Love

From This may be the very best police report of 2008. When Charles Barkley was busted in Arizona early this morning for DUI, he told cops he ran a stop sign because he was in a hurry to get … Continue reading

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