Monthly Archives: January 2009

Fast Called For Sunday

Over the past few months, three men (in their fifties or younger) in Rav Gershon Bess‘s shul at 7211 Beverly Blvd have died suddenly and unexpectedly. A month ago, Dr. Joel Schwartz died at his daughter’s wedding. A few months … Continue reading

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Did ‘The Pianist’ Have A Point?

I saw this movie with a gorgeous shiksa in a dark and empty theater and one thing led to another and we were groping each other in the dark like there was no tomorrow. Pictures of the Holocaust do that … Continue reading

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Seeking Jewish Intellectual Leadership

David Klinghoffer writes on HirHurim: Yes, R. Sacks comes closest to the sort of outlook and impact I had in mind. There’s no one quite like him in the Jewish world–not in Israel or America. But he’s singular in another … Continue reading

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George Mitchell

Joe emails: Obama has named a friggen dinosaur to be middle east envoy. George Mitchell is older than John McCain and probably has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. He is part Arab, which gets … Continue reading

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Rabbi Busted For Entering Church

From the New York Daily News: A Manhattan rabbi was chastised by higher-ups for an unorthodox move – participating in an interfaith prayer service at the National Cathedral with President Obama on Wednesday. The Rabbinical Council of America took Rabbi … Continue reading

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