Monthly Archives: December 2008

Tough Love From Amalek

Chaim Amalek emails: The art work is nice.  She’s talented AND pretty.  The paintings signal the world that this is a woman of many charms and talents. But you, Luke, are a middle aged man living in obscurity on the … Continue reading

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‘Kagan’s Superfecta’

I was walking home from shul on a Friday night about six weeks ago. I was passing Aish HaTorah on Pico Blvd, headed east. I was stopped by a couple from New Jersey. They were looking for Shiloh’s restaurant for … Continue reading

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President Bush & The Jews

Jay D. Homnick writes: In this spirit, it is appropriate for us to take a moment to publicize the outstanding respect shown by the President and Laura Bush to traditional Jews and their practices throughout his administration. One historic example … Continue reading

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My Favorite Bible Story

Bringing peace to the Middle East:

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Orit Arfa Bothers Me

When life gets me down, I close my eyes and dream of a better day. Then I surf to to see how the good life is lived. Tonight I found this: "Orit complements and enhances her journalism with a … Continue reading

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