Daily Archives: December 30, 2008

The Trillion Dollar Meltdown

Remember the Spring of 2007? Everything was great with the economy. Consumer spending was strong. The credit markets looked strong. Sure, the real estate bubble had burst. I am reading this 2008 book by Charles Morris, "The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: … Continue reading

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Holy Dazed

Steven I. Weiss writes: You can learn some really fascinating things when interviewing celebrities, comedians and New York media types about their Judaism. Holy Dazed, our series that combines these interviews into humorous vignettes, was just supposed to be funny, … Continue reading

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Tough Love From Amalek

Chaim Amalek emails: The art work is nice.  She’s talented AND pretty.  The paintings signal the world that this is a woman of many charms and talents. But you, Luke, are a middle aged man living in obscurity on the … Continue reading

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‘Kagan’s Superfecta’

I was walking home from shul on a Friday night about six weeks ago. I was passing Aish HaTorah on Pico Blvd, headed east. I was stopped by a couple from New Jersey. They were looking for Shiloh’s restaurant for … Continue reading

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President Bush & The Jews

Jay D. Homnick writes: In this spirit, it is appropriate for us to take a moment to publicize the outstanding respect shown by the President and Laura Bush to traditional Jews and their practices throughout his administration. One historic example … Continue reading

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