Daily Archives: December 20, 2008

There’s Something Wrong With Me

I feel heartbroken, absolutely ravaged. Why? The Dallas Cowboys lost a football game tonight and probably won’t make the playoffs. Dennis Prager’s radio psychiatrist Stephen Marmer once described what was wrong with people like me. We don’t like our lives … Continue reading

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Which Pico-Robertson Shuls Will Allow Seeing Eye Dogs?

A friend of mine is going blind. He’s waiting for a seeing-eye dog. All the major shuls in Pico-Robertson do not allow seeing eye dogs into their sanctuary. They say the kids will go nuts over the dog and things … Continue reading

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41) V

Click here to watch my full discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41) IV

Click here to watch my full discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41) III

Click here to watch my full discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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