Daily Archives: December 18, 2008

President Bush Was Ridiculed For His ‘If You’re Not With Us [Against Terrorism], You’re Against Us’

Dennis Prager said in his first hour today: "President Bush was accused of the doctrine ‘If You’re Not With Us, You’re Against Us.’ That was to do with terror, with the blowing up of innocent people. He was ridiculed by … Continue reading

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I Love LAObserved

I visit the site an average of twice a day, usually before I visit the LA Times and sometimes before I check out Drudge and the NY Times. Kevin Roderick does a superb job of capturing Los Angeles. He has … Continue reading

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‘Did Jesus Go To Mincha?’

That was the subject header for a mass email sent out Thursday afternoon by Bnai David-Judea rabbi Yosef Kanefsky: While historians will continue to debate that question (or not), there’s one thing we can know for sure. By taking the … Continue reading

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Live Torah Talk

Click here to join the fun. This week’s Torah portion is Vayeishev.

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Doctor, Doctor, My Yellow Fever Burns Out Of Control

Asians are my favorite minority. If going yellow is wrong, I don’t want to be right. The Asians I know are clean, disciplined and well educated. Most of them are cute and cuddly. They’re committed to their famillies and don’t … Continue reading

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