Daily Archives: December 21, 2008

Inside Jewish Charities

I dug up the tax return for the Jewish Community Foundation from 2006. There’s no return available on guidestar.com for 2007. I want to understand what culpability the Jewish Community Foundation has for its bad investments with Bernie Madoff. It … Continue reading

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I’m Lighting My Hanukkah Candle

Live on my cam. I needed help with the songs so I brought in the Miami Boys Choir: Khunrum emails: “They say that most accidents happen in the Hovel…..I mean Home. Be careful that your Hanukkah Candle doesn’t set fire … Continue reading

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How Should We Deal With Skeptics?

Here’s one approach posted on the blog ModernOrthodoxPrax: "The rambam states quite clearly that skeptics are to be murdered in cold blood. One does not even need a beis din, but any Jew can take matters into his own hands … Continue reading

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‘The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs: Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth’ by Dr. Solomon Schimmel

Solomon Schimmel is father to my friend David and a professor at Hebrew College. He’s published this new book through Oxford University Press (and here is Solomon’s blog). It is primarily about why Orthodox Jews do not accept secular scholarship … Continue reading

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Evan Gahr’s Memories Of Conservative Activist Paul Weyrich

Evan Gahr replies to me about his relationship with Paul Weyrich: "This was an interesting exchange.  One of the few times he ever reproached me was to say don’t curse because it is "beneath" you and unnecessary since "you have … Continue reading

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