Daily Archives: December 25, 2008

The Santa Rampage

I don’t fully understand what "postmodern" means but a man dressed as a Santa going on a killing rampage strikes me as post-modern. When the Cowboys against the Giants ten days ago on first and goal at the Giants one … Continue reading

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Live Torah Talk With Joey Kurtzman – Parasha Miketz

The Torah portion is Miketz. Read Rabbi Ari Kahn’s commentary here. From wikipedia: "Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, asked his sons why they sat around looking at each other, and sent them down to Egypt to buy … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Torah And Porn

When I wrote critical things about pornographers, they often as not threatened to break my legs. When I wrote critical things about Hollywood players, they often as not threatened to sue me. When I wrote critical things about Torah Jews, … Continue reading

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Joy to the World

From my live cam chat: BernieMadoff:  Joy to the world! BernieMadoff:  Today we mark the birth of the REAL Moshiach, the One who can and will forgive ALL my sins. BernieMadoff:  But will the hordes of angry Jews parked out … Continue reading

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An Interview With Professor Solomon Schimmel From Hebrew College

Listen to the interview here. Read reviews of the book "The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs: Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth" here. Read part two of this transcript here. Here is a partial transcript (later edited) of our 100-minute long … Continue reading

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