Daily Archives: December 22, 2008

Inside American Jewish University

Here is their 2006 990 filing for 2005. Highest paid employees of AJU: Robert Wexler: $222,000 Bradley Artson: $177,000 Mark Bookman: $174,600 Gady Levy: $145,000 Zofia Yalovsky: $143,000 Jay Strear: $143,000 Ronald Wolfson: $142,000 Nina Leiberman Giladi: $126,700

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Inside Yeshiva University

Here is its 990 form filed in 2006. They 1,566 employees making more than $50,000 that year. The highest paid employees? * Sheldon E. Socol (Vice President and Counsel to the President) $784,000 * Professor Victor Shuster $595,000 * Professor … Continue reading

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Joe Biden Set To Be The Least Consequential Vice-President Since Hubert Humphrey

This summer when I heard people on the radio talking about what a great choice Joe Biden would be for vice-president because of his foreign policy credentials, I said, huh? What credentials? What has Joe Biden ever accomplished? I remember … Continue reading

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Inside American Jewish Literature

I call English Literature professor Sanford Pinsker Friday morning, Dec. 19, 2009. I was provoked by this essay of his on Jewish literature. Luke: "Is it OK to make pleasure your primary criteria for reading? Or is that shallow?" Sanford: … Continue reading

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Inside The Jewish News Media

Here’s the Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s 990 filing for 2007. 2006. 2005. JTA website. I was surprised that JTA’s revenues are half those of the Jewish Journal. JTA gets half of its income from charity while the Journal gets zero. Mark … Continue reading

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