Daily Archives: December 23, 2008

I’m Becoming The Jewish Howard Hughes

A friend calls: "You’ve got a beard down to your knees. You walk around with your feet in tissue boxes. You’re afraid of germs so you pee into empty Manischevitz bottles. You’re afraid to leave your hovel. "I’m coming over … Continue reading

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Israel’s Technion University Lost $70 Million To Bernie Madoff

The Technion is Israel’s Institute of Technology. Here is the 2006 990 filing by Technion’s American friends who lost the $70 million. The filing is about 100 pages long and I can’t figure it out. Technion is known as one … Continue reading

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The Jewish Funders Network & United Federations Emergency Meeting In Israel

This happened this week. Anyone have the scoop? There were a lot of anxious people comparing notes. Rachel emails: "Your first article yesterday was all the talk at the Jewish Funders Network emergency meeting, and the United Federations emergency meeting … Continue reading

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I Wonder What Obama Knew And When He Knew It

Joe emails: If Rahm Emanuel was selected by Obama for his fierce loyalty to the cause, and Rahm spoke to Blagojevich about the Senate seat, doesn’t it follow that Obama authorized or knew of Rahm’s contact? Do you get it, … Continue reading

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Will I See My Family For Christmas?

No. All my family lives in Australia. While my family is always glad to see me, Christmas has never been a big deal in my home. We didn’t celebrate it — though we did give gifts. My dad looked at … Continue reading

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