Daily Archives: October 2, 2008

YU’s Transgendered Professor

From Rabbi Gil Student: According to an article in The Commentator (link), my judgment (link) on the subject of a transgender professor at YU matched that of R. Hershel Schachter and R. Hershel Billet. The article quotes the two rabbis … Continue reading

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Ten Questions With Rabbi Gil Student

From here: Rabbi Gil Student is Founder and Author of Hirhurim and founder of Yashar Books. 1. Describe in around 100 words the way in which you are involved in Jewish Work? My involvement in the Jewish community is extremely … Continue reading

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New Torah

Rabbi Gil Students writes: Meorot Journal 7:1, September 2008/Tishrei 5769 (link) Introduction to the Tishrei 5769 Edition by Dr. Eugene Korn "Dat Ha-Emet" in Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah by R. Chaim Rapoport Maimonides’ "True Religion": For Jews or All Humanity? A … Continue reading

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The Rabbi & The Documentary Hypothesis

From the Search For Emes: A guest at my house told me that a well known professor at a well known institution (sorry, can’t say who) told him that he asked a well known chareidi abbi (sorry can’t say who) … Continue reading

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