Monthly Archives: October 2008

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines – Danielle Berrin Now Single!

A month ago, the Jewish Journal Calendar Girl wrote about her relationship with a rabbi (the bloke who leads the twice monthly Friday night service at Ikar). Shortly thereafter, the Jewish people’s brightest hope for the future broke up over … Continue reading

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Stripping For HaShem

Danielle Berrin writes: Emma Forrest It’s safe to say that something unprecedented and never before attempted in the history of Judaism took place at “Heeb Storytelling” on Sept. 23: During her 7-minute Jewish stand-up routine, writer Emma Forrest performed a … Continue reading

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Gloomy Shabbos In Pico/Rob

It rained as I walked half an hour to shul this morning. Then I had to leave after two hours because this fat obese man came in and stunk up the joint. I have almost no sense of smell yet … Continue reading

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Shalhevet’s New Regime

Shalhevet is a left-wing Modern Orthodox day school. It is the only one in Los Angeles where boys and girls get the same curriculum. The school has a new leader — Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach who’s brought in an efficient East … Continue reading

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Jonathan S. Tobin Leaves For Commentary Magazine

From The Jewish Exponent: The editor of the Jewish Exponent, Jonathan S. Tobin, will be leaving the newspaper to become executive editor of Commentary magazine. Bennett L. Aaron, chairman of the Jewish Publishing Group said in a statement: "We thank … Continue reading

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